ROS Background

If you are new to ROS, it is recommended to start with taking these online tutorials that will introduce you to the basic concepts of ROS.


These tutorials assume that you have already installed ROS on your computer and that you have configured your environment. You still haven’t done yet, follow in the installation instructions of ROS Indigo, then you must configure your ROS environment and finally create a ROS package to create and run your programs.


Although some videos are shown for ROS Hydro, they are also valid for all subsquent versions including Indigo and Jade, as they deal with the basics.

Lecture 1: Start a ROS Master Node


In this video, you will:

  • Learn how to start the main node in ROS, called Master node
  • Understand the default workspace
  • Configure your ROS environment in the .bashrc script file
  • Find the list of ROS nodes and ROS topics

Listen to the following video.

Lecture 2: Understanding ROS Topics, Nodes and Messages


In this video, you will:

  • Work with the Turtlesim simulator to understand ROS fundamental concepts
  • Understand ROS topics and its related terminal commands
  • Understand ROS nodes and its related terminal commands
  • Undertsand ROS messages and its related terminal commands

Listen to the following video.

Review Questions

  • What is the command to find the list of all ros nodes?
  • What is the command to find the list of all ros topics?
  • What is the topic that tells about the position of the turtle?
  • What is the topic that sends command to the turtle to make it move?
  • What is the node used to send velocity commands to the turtle?
  • What is the command that allows to see the type of message for a particular topic?
  • Write is the command that allows to publish velocity command to the turtle with a linear velocity 1.0 and angular velocity 0.5.