GAMS/MADARA Programming Basics

In this page, we will provide you a quick start with GAMS/MADARA programming. You could follow the several tutorials that will introduce in a pratical way the main aspects of GAMS/MADARA.

Printing into agent terminal window

To print some message into Agent terminal window you can use the following command:

madara_logger_ptr_log (gams::loggers::global_logger.get (), gams::loggers::LOG_MAJOR, " My message is hello folks!");

Creating an consumer/producer application

As your first application, we going to create an application that one agent generate values and other agent consume them. To do that, we start creating our application by running the following command:

$GAMS_ROOT/scripts/projects/ --path $PROJECT_HOME/tutorial1

After the project creation, we should create two algorithms producer and consumer. This is done by running:

cd $PROJECT_HOME/tutorial1
$GAMS_ROOT/scripts/projects/ --new-algorithm producer --path $PROJECT_HOME/tutorial1
$GAMS_ROOT/scripts/projects/ --new-algorithm consumer --path $PROJECT_HOME/tutorial1

After running those commands, your filesystem looks like:

├── bin
├── sim
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
├── src
|    ├── controller.cpp
|    ├── algorithms
|    |    ├── consumer.h
|    |    ├── consumer.cpp
|    |    ├── producer.h
|    |    ├── producer.cpp
|    ├── filters
|    ├── platforms
|    ├── threads
|    ├── transports
├── action.bat
├── using_gams.mpb
├── using_vrep.mpb
├── using_ace.mpb
├── using_madara.mpb
├── workspace.mwc
└── README.txt

Now, we need add a second agent to our simulation, so we run the following command:

$GAMS_ROOT/scripts/projects/ --agents 2 --randomize

With that, the folder sim will get updated by the addition of file

Finally, we have to configure the algorithm that each agent should run. Edit file so the algorithm name be producer. Inside of file will look like:

agent.0.algorithm = "producer";

Edit file so the algorithm name be consumer:

agent.0.algorithm = "consumer";

Now, we have to declare a variable counter (of type madara::knowledge::containers::Integer) in producer.h and consumer.h.

So, your file producer.h will looks like:

class producer : public gams::algorithms::BaseAlgorithm

         madara::knowledge::containers::Integer counter;


So, your file consumer.h will looks like:

class consumer : public gams::algorithms::BaseAlgorithm

         madara::knowledge::containers::Integer counter;


In your producer.cpp we should configure the counter variable to be handled by madara::knowledge. So the file will looks like:

algorithms::producer::producer (
  madara::knowledge::KnowledgeBase * knowledge,
  gams::platforms::BasePlatform * platform,
  gams::variables::Sensors * sensors,
  gams::variables::Self * self,
  gams::variables::Agents * agents)
  : gams::algorithms::BaseAlgorithm (knowledge, platform, sensors, self, agents)
  status_.init_vars (*knowledge, "producer", self->agent.prefix);
  status_.init_variable_values ();
  counter.set_name("counter", *knowledge);

int algorithms::producer::plan (void)
        counter += 1;
        madara_logger_ptr_log (gams::loggers::global_logger.get (), gams::loggers::LOG_MAJOR, "\n ----Incrementing the to counter: %d \n\n", counter.to_integer());

  return 0;

In your consumer.cpp, we should relate the counter variable with madara::knowledge, so consumer will have access to updates made by producer.

algorithms::consumer::consumer (
  madara::knowledge::KnowledgeBase * knowledge,
  gams::platforms::BasePlatform * platform,
  gams::variables::Sensors * sensors,
  gams::variables::Self * self,
  gams::variables::Agents * agents)
  : gams::algorithms::BaseAlgorithm (knowledge, platform, sensors, self, agents)
  status_.init_vars (*knowledge, "consumer", self->agent.prefix);
  status_.init_variable_values ();
  counter.set_name("counter", *knowledge);

int algorithms::consumer::plan (void)
        madara_logger_ptr_log (gams::loggers::global_logger.get (), gams::loggers::LOG_MAJOR, "\n ----Now the counter is: %d \n\n", counter.to_integer());
  return 0;

After that, we should configure controller.cpp to share knowledge between the agents. You have to write the following commands:

// perform main logic of program
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
  settings.type = madara::transport::MULTICAST;


in above lines, you are telling to MADARA that knowledge should be shared into two hosts (agents): the host located into IP and at port 19906; and the host located into You can get port number from agent file configuration located into folder sim (i.e. sim/ and sim/

We should compile and run the project by executing the following commands into bash:

$ ./action compile-vrep
$ ./action vrep run

You can get full source of this project by running the following command:

git clone